Quincy University’s Political Science and Criminal Justice departments are sponsoring a Town Hall Forum in celebration of Constitution Day. This event is open to the public. The forum will take place on Monday, September 19, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. in QU’s Hall of Fame Room.

Constitution Day is a national celebration commemorating the formation and signing of the U.S Constitution on September 17, 1787, recognizing all who have become citizens.

This year’s forum will debate whether offensive books should be banned in American schools and libraries. “In this discussion, we will use the Constitution as our starting point as we grapple with the tension between the freedom of speech, the health of our political community, the requirements of true education, and our care for the young,” said Neil Wright, Ph.D., associate professor of political science. All members of the community are encouraged to participate.

Founded in 1860 by Franciscan friars, Quincy University is a small Catholic university emphasizing the sciences, liberal arts and the professions. Quincy University offers undergraduate, graduate and adult education programs integrating practical experience and Franciscan values. Faculty and advisors work with students to design customized success plans to help them graduate on time, find their passion and prepare them for life. QU is a member of NCAA Division II for intercollegiate athletics. For more information, please visit rtsm.braelyngenerator.net or contact the Office of Community Relations at (217) 228-5275 or communityrelations@braelyngenerator.net. Quincy University. Success by Design.